Choose a word from a profession, hobby, or other particular field of interest to you—a term most people will not know—and explain its meaning.
Probably everyone has heard of the term debugging in computers. most people understand it as fixing a problem in code or what not. This is mostly true, when we're done with code, programmers need to look through their code to find the wrong parts. Where the original phrase comes from is more of joke. Many people have heard of the origin story of DeadMau5 and his name. As the story goes, he was going through some old computers and found a dead mouse in one of them. being the creative genius he was, he became the DJ known as DeadMau5. This was very much the same with the original computers. In contrast to our modern computers, the first computers were the size of gymnasiums. They were jungles of cables peppered with towering columns of machinery. There were no screens, only read out tapes that shot paper littered with data. You could walk through these computers and touch the circuitry. You could even see the way that a computer processed information by watching the vacuum tubes/bulbs lit up to form the binary read outs. of course, these machines were large enough for anything to get to so this would include insects, spiders, and other vermin. In a modern computer, we fear the terrible killer dust bunnies that accumulate. For these gargantuan computers, it was flies. As the story goes, a fly entered the room of the first ever computer and died on a piece of equipment. Perhaps it was fried on contact or died from the heat generated by the machine. Either way, there was a mass scavenger hunt to find the problem in the machine that wouldn't allow it to properly function. Keep in mind, all programming, at this time, was by the use of levers, buttons, and switches and thus made programming a physical activity that lacked a keyboards so it would make sense that the computer scientist would go looking for any problems in the hardware of the machine. as it turns out, they found it. I'm not sure what first went through their heads. What they did in the few moments after they found it. Did they laugh or did they become enraged from the thought that man's greatest invention was foiled by a shit eater. It almost certainly became an inside joke or an actual dilemma. Perhaps each computer had a crew of pest removers that searched the parts for dead flies. Either way, the terms "bug" and "debugging" have become the technical term for a problem in code. Computer scientist don't consider any hardware issues when it comes to problems with their code except of course for one notorious DJ.
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