Humans<-------------------Elder god--------------------------------------------|
| |
|-------------------------------| Possession
Day Night |
| | The Great
|----------| |----------| Wolf
God Goddess God Goddess |
\/ \/ \/ \/ |
\-----------------------------------------/ \/
|------------------------------| Eternal
4 Winds Hunter/Huntress-->Hunt
| |
----------------------------------------- |
| | | | |
North South East West |
| | | | |
Opportunity Risk Past Future |
of Man to Gods
While I'm open to including more to this hierarchy, this is I expect to be the final family tree for the mythology. Notice that only 11 deities are depicted. The tags that are underlines are descriptors and not individual deities. For example, there's no deity called Day that made a god and goddess but an elder god that made a god and goddess of day and also for night. these tags will be explained further in later "Experiments with Mythology." I plan on explaining each of the deities in groups going down the hierarchy starting with the elder god. Also, the list of deities I intend on keeping small. This is for ease of writing so that I don't run in to contradiction with more intricate mythologies. Many ancient mythologies have been around for millennium and thus have most of their deities and concepts worked out. I obviously don't have this kind of freedom and must do with a smaller range of deities. This will also be easier for readers since it will not require much background. For example, the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Roidan, he has a huge range of stories and characters to support his demi-god heroes and has all the fluidity that comes with it. I still expect to have plenty to work with since these deities will have very vague dominions and powers. Overall, I'm very pleased with this family tree and will go into detail each of them (except for humans) in later blog posts.